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We Interrupt This Broadcast...

NorthPoint's 100th Blog Post

We're interrupting your regularly scheduled blog post to bring you this important message...

On any other Thursday morning, you'd be sitting at your desk, sipping your coffee, avoiding your inbox, and reading some amazingly creative and informative blog stemming from something in the design world. It might be related to using Photoshop, picking out color palettes, or even coming up with a new logo design. But not today. Today you're stuck here with boring old me, Editor In Chief of the NorthPoint Blog.

However that's because today is just a little bit different. Why you ask? Because today is NorthPoint's 100th blog post! That's right, this post is our 100th and instead of going with our normally scheduled Thursday morning programming (our Pixels To Print blog) I thought I'd give our Design Team a break for once and change things up. So today, I'd just like to simply say thanks!

NorthPoint's 100th Blog Post

First of all, I wanted to say thank you to you, that's right you! Thank you to all of you readers, clients, and random people out there who got here by accident. Thank you all for following along with us on this journey and most importantly, reading and interacting with all our blogs. When we first started the NorthPoint Blog, I was only a young lad and the blog was just a way for us to post different industry statistics. We were never really sure if anyone out there was actually following along or reading anything that we posted. Since then, (and with your help) the blog has grown and developed into a useful, fun, and informative marketing tool. So thank you to all of you wonderful readers out there for all of your input, feedback, suggestions, and compliments over the years. Without you, none of this would be possible!

Next up, I wanted to give out a special thanks and show some recognition to my very hard working Marketing & Design Teams! These are the people who work hard day in and day out to ensure that (on top of everything else that they do) the Pixels To Print and Hot Item Of The Week blogs come out on time and looking amazing every week. You may not know this, but a lot of work goes in behind the scenes at NorthPoint to create this content each and every week. Between the first drafts, second drafts, third drafts (I can be picky at times), brainstorming topics, finding the latest hot items, and creating graphics for every blog, you can probably imagine that there's a lot to do. Without this hard working squad, there's no way we could put out as much grade-a content as we do. So Marketing and Design, give yourselves a hand! (and now get back to work.. Just kidding!! But no seriously, get back to work...)

Last but not least, I'd also like to say thank you to everyone else at NorthPoint who doesn't directly work on the blog, but assists our team through suggesting ideas, sharing our posts, and giving us feedback. You all rock!

Alright, that's more than enough from me. See you all again in another 100 posts!

We'll now return to your regularly scheduled program...

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