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  • Writer's pictureNorthPoint

Hot Item of the Week: Coffee Kit

Price Point: $6.56-$22.75

Production Time: About 10 Working Days

Available Colors: Frother: Silver/ Mug: Matte Dew, Matte Canyon, Matte Forage, Matte Meadow, Matte Landfall, Matte Navy, Matte Slate, Matte Black/ Coffee: Kraft

Perfect For: Employee Giveaways/Client Gifts/Corporate Swag Store Items/ Swag Store Real Estate /Campaign Ideas/Kit Ideas/ Self Promo Items/Food and Beverage Items

GRAB LIFE BY THE BEANS…at least that is the pep talk we hear in our heads as we brew our first cup of jolly good joe in the AM (and/or PM if you are a coffee addict like us). 9 times out of 10 this is how our morning goes: 1. We open our eyes, 2. We take a deep breath, 3. We crawl (walk, or run) to where our special bag of caffeinated beans are. We would consider coffee an essential part of life, wouldn’t you?!? So, my GOSH – why not kit together the items that help you begin a kick A** day all together!? Well, that is exactly what we did. This kit includes a gourmet coffee bag that yields about 32 cups, a 12-ounce travel mug that is double walled stainless steel with copper vacuum insulation and a cork base, AS WELL as the Bodum Schiuma Milk Frother that helps create that Starbucks style fluffy foam right from your own home! NorthPoint is here to help you put together a creative and and memorable campaign, and with this kit, you will undoubtedly spread love, kindness, and a kick-butt caffeinated day! WOO!

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